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Clinton Supporters Urge Recounts In Key States

“Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote is growing. She is roughly 30,000 votes behind Donald J. Trump in the key swing states of Michigan and Wisconsin — a combined gap that is narrowing. Her impassioned supporters are now urging her to challenge the results in those two states and Pennsylvania, grasping at the last straws to reverse Mr.

Trump’s decisive majority in the Electoral College,” the New York Times reports.

“In recent days, they have seized on a report by a respected computer scientist and other experts suggesting that Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the keys to Mr. Trump’s Electoral College victory, need to manually review paper ballots to assure the election was not hacked.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reports Green Party nominee Jill Stein appeared to have met her initial fundraising goal for recounts of the vote in the three key swing states.

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